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The Swire (Hong Kong/Mainland China) Management Trainee Programme


Commencing in 2008, Swire is proud to introduce a unified, remodelled group-wide Management Trainee programme, with a centralised recruitment process that will select the best new graduate candidates for the various business streams.

Since the 1960s, our Management Trainee Programme has attracted new graduates of the highest calibre from the best of Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas tertiary institutions, instilling in them the Swire traditions of operational excellence and innovation. Indeed, many of the executives who today are directors and senior managers of companies within the Swire group began their careers with us as Management Trainees.

Successful applicants to the Swire (Hong Kong / Mainland China) Management Trainee Programme will be employed by John Swire & Sons (HK) Limited or John Swire & Sons (China) Limited and seconded to one of our group companies for a period of three years, with a view to developing their professionalism for a long-term career within that field. We therefore carefully consider the Trainee's interests, preferences, personality, and other indicators when determining the business stream to which they will be seconded.

 Please click here for details and application form.