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Partnership with Tsinghua University

Over the past decade and a half, Swire Properties has partnered with Tsinghua University in running the Joint Research Centre for Building Energy Efficiency and Sustainability. Together, we have conducted pioneering research into SD methods and technologies, developing and testing new methods to increase energy efficiency and improve environmental performance in our projects – work that is changing our industry and the perception of sustainability.

In 2023, we renewed our collaboration for the third time, with Swire Properties committing to investing RMB15 million into the Centre. This continued partnership will generate substantial energy savings and allow us to share innovative ideas and practices with our employees, business partners, industry peers and other researchers.

Currently, the Centre is working to push the boundaries of traditional building management by developing new AI technologies, improving indoor air quality control measures, increasing the generation and use of renewable energy, and other measures to make our portfolios even more energy efficient and sustainable.

Learn more about our partnership with Tsinghua University here.